Benjelali Abogados & Mediadores
Is a specialized firm not only in family matters, but on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, resolving conflicts when children have been removed from one jurisdiction to another or are being held in a country other than their habitual residence country.
There are various international instruments for the return of the child, such as the Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, 1980, which applies in some countries which are not members of the European Union or the European Regulation 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction, which provides recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility.
Law Experts
Benjelali Lawyers & Mediators is a firm founded on the premise of providing our customers with the right support and advice on all issues arising from the National Law, European Union law and international law, with special attention to the various areas of activity in which specializes’s office.
A Unique Team
There are many law firms and many ways to develop work as a lawyer. In Benjelali Lawyers & Mediators, we are mindful that not enough to be an excellent professional if you are lacking in sensitivity and sufficient to satisfy our customers empathy. The importance of the human component is closely linked to our service philosophy.
Our customers speak
Benjelali Lawyers & Mediators distinguishes between the customer and customer service, since both are different. We offer all our customers interpersonal, friendly and kind attention to any questions they might perform without any compromise.