Can a parent with a restraining order request the exclusive or shared custody of their children?
- February 25th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
- 18 Comentarios
First of all, this article explains the current legal situation in this subject, this is not a personal opinion of the lawyer who is writing this. We usually differentiate two concepts: violence against women and domestic violence. We call domestic violence any type…

The Reform of the Process of the Canonical Marriage Annulment
- February 4th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
- No comments
On December 8 2015 a reform was aprooved by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter: Motu Proprio Iudez Mitis and Mitis et Dominus Iesus Iesus misericors. These two papal documents, carry the reform annulment of the Code of Canonical Law,…