Can one-parent custody established prior to 2013 be revised based on the new jurisprudence on shared custody?
- February 24th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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The Supreme Court decides whether to establish custody and joint custody of the daughter of the parties, which the mother holds since 2011, requested by the father in modification of divorce measures. The apparent lack of change in circumstances valued…

Shared custody in case of sexual abuse of the minor or domestic violence?
- February 20th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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Article 92.7 of the Civil Code stipulates that joint custody is not applicable when either parent is involved in criminal proceedings initiated for the purpose of violating the life, physical integrity, moral liberty or liberty and sexual indemnity of the…

Ground Clouses
- February 1st, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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Recently, there has been a ruling by the European Union Court on the full remittance effects of the declaration of nullity of the floor clauses of mortgage loans (STUE 21/12/16, EDJ 22605). The floor clause is a contractual clause that…