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Nuptial action for breach of promise of marriage. Court of First Instance number 39 of Barcelona. 2012.


A young bride had fixed date in Spain, the celebration of canonical marriage in late July 2010 and a symbolic marriage in August of the same year in Bulgaria where it originates. Fifteen days before the marriage in Spain, unilaterally canceled the wedding future husband, claiming that “no longer wanted.”

At Christmas 2009, the bride was lucky with the prize of the National Lottery, and invested the prize entry 80% of housing in the future would be married. This house was deeded by undivided half on behalf of the intending spouses, in the month of June 2010.

The firm filed suit in bringing proceedings nuptial for breach of promise of marriage. The procedure was resolved as follows: the boyfriend finally paid the cancellation fee both the wedding celebration in Spain as expenses that the link was generated in Bulgaria. The housing would only notarize name of the bride, following the resignation by the groom to 50% of the undivided half unjust enrichment.

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