(0034) 93 415 71 59 / (0034) 93 415 80 54


The EHIC and Provisional Replacement Certificate

More and more people after retirement, access to various tourism offerings, many of which are offered outside the high season more economical prices.

Yes, with retirement begins a new era for enjoying leisure time and trips, as Imserso to know other cultures and places. The report issued by Banca March on the tourism sector forecasts growth of tourist movements in this sector of the population of 150 million people a year, with a forecast for 2050 of 480 million, which has led to the Tourism Industry to improve medium and long term deal for this type of tourists: retirees. Enhance health tourism and cruise ships, preparing facilities for the specific needs of this group, strengthening infrastructure and access to healthcare.

To travel around Europe there is the EHIC. This is a free card that allows access to public health care during a temporary stay in any of the 28 member states of the European Union plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, you can access public health in the same conditions and at the same cost insured persons in that country, being free assistance in many countries.

This card is issued by the Office of Social Security, said free process. Noted that the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is invalid if the trip is intended to receive medical treatment abroad, this will require that the National Institute of Social Security issued a form, must exist prior favorable report of Service Health. Nor is it valid if they decide to move his residence to another state.

In Spain, can apply online TSE most policyholders, except for the following to be insured person at the Centers Support and Information Social Security, by appointment:

Recipients of unemployment benefits and beneficiaries.
The insured contract basis
Policyholders who have recognized the right to health care as people income limit, or who have exhausted unemployment benefits.
Connie beneficiaries, and
All those insured must submit documentation to export the right to healthcare.
Spain also has bilateral agreements with third countries.

What advantages does get this card ?, if found ill while in another country, you can access public health care equal citizens of the country you are visiting. If you need medical attention, and that country charges for such care, the amount will be refunded to you immediately or after it has returned to Spain, for the purpose for which it was created this TSE is that for you to receive the necessary attention to enable extend your stay.

Once requested the TSE, it will be mailed no later than 10 days at the address contained in the Databases Social Security, so it is important to update this information, since at no time shall be given in hand the card.


If your shift is imminent and can not wait for the issuance of the TSE may request a Provisional Replacement Certificate of TSE (CPS). If you should receive an unforeseen medical treatment while on vacation, you can look at what services are right, the link that we offer at the end of this page.

If your stay abroad, you have any issues regarding your medical care, you can apply on-line intervention of SOLVIT because they are a service of national administrations of the countries listed in the header, which has the aim to find solutions within a maximum of 10 weeks.


How does SOLVIT ?, in all cases involve two SOLVIT centers, the country where the problem occurs (head center) and your country of origin (center of origin). Once you’ve contacted them, they will call you by phone within one week and ask you if you need additional information, keeping you informed of the matter your center of origin, with whom you can contact at all times. They will try to find a solution to the problem with the competent authorities.

Request TSE:


CPS Application:


Unforeseen medical treatment during the holidays:


Access to SOLVIT:


2 Comentarios

  1. youssef rabhi
    Friday July 29th, 2016

    hola necisito un certificado provisional sustitorio de la tarjeta sanitaria europea para mi hijo mohammed rabhi gracias un saludo!

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