Can one-parent custody established prior to 2013 be revised based on the new jurisprudence on shared custody?
- February 24th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
- No comments
The Supreme Court decides whether to establish custody and joint custody of the daughter of the parties, which the mother holds since 2011, requested by the father in modification of divorce measures. The apparent lack of change in circumstances valued…

The Reform of the Process of the Canonical Marriage Annulment
- February 4th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
- No comments
On December 8 2015 a reform was aprooved by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter: Motu Proprio Iudez Mitis and Mitis et Dominus Iesus Iesus misericors. These two papal documents, carry the reform annulment of the Code of Canonical Law,…

Which Are Considered Extraordinary Expenses In Family Law
- March 11th, 2015
- Sara Benjelali
- 378 Comentarios
In a separation process, divorce or domestic partnership breakdown, it is usual to establish an alimony in favour of the children, as well as the contribution of both parents to the so called “extraordinary expenses”, but what are the so…