Entra en vigor el nuevo índice de referencia para el alquiler en Catalunya
- January 15th, 2021
- Sara Benjelali
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Últimamente, estamos recibiendo numerosas consultas tanto de propietarios como de inquilinos en relación al nuevo índice que limita los precios del alquiler en Catalunya. El pasado 22 de septiembre de 2020 entró envigor la Ley 11/2020, de 18 de septiembre,…
¿Cómo será la vuelta al cole?
- September 7th, 2020
- Sara Benjelali
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C Con el coronavirus se nos presenta un septiembre incierto para la vuelta al colegio y muchas familias siguen planteándose la posibilidad de que sus hijos no acudan al colegio. Se discute sobre los derechos de la infancia y…

¿Es obligatorio llevar a mis hijos al Colegio?
- June 30th, 2020
- Sara Benjelali
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Con el coronavirus muchas familias se plantean la posibilidad de que sus hijos puedan continuar voluntariamente con las clases online desde casa y evitar contagios en septiembre. ¿Puede quedarse un menor a estudiar en casa cuando empiece el nuevo curso?…

Alquileres y coronavirus
- April 30th, 2020
- Sara Benjelali
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Real Decreto-ley 11/2020, de 31 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes complementarias en el ámbito social y económico para hacer frente al COVID-19. Como ya hizo el Gobierno con la moratoria hipotecaria de la vivienda habitual, se…

Shared custody in case of sexual abuse of the minor or domestic violence?
- February 20th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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Article 92.7 of the Civil Code stipulates that joint custody is not applicable when either parent is involved in criminal proceedings initiated for the purpose of violating the life, physical integrity, moral liberty or liberty and sexual indemnity of the…

Ground Clouses
- February 1st, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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Recently, there has been a ruling by the European Union Court on the full remittance effects of the declaration of nullity of the floor clauses of mortgage loans (STUE 21/12/16, EDJ 22605). The floor clause is a contractual clause that…

Car accident: How to act?
- August 29th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
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We’re halfway through the summer and thousands of people made a number of trips, some because they start their holiday because other end. To this we must add that during the month of August, the DGT will carry out a…

Responsibility of the bank on its holding accounts
- August 23rd, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
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The 1st Chamber of the Supreme Court delivered judgment as of May 12, 2016 following a complaint filed by Mr. Elias against Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), for having carried out this transfer order amounting to 117,249.25 euros, subtracting that…

Convicted wife to compensate the husband for hiding who is not the biological father of her daughter
- July 12th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
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The Provincial Court of Cantabria has issued, dated March 3, 2016, the Judgment 000138/2016, solving the appeal filed against the judgment in Ordinary Procedure 0000052 / 2014-00 of the Court of First Instance No. 6 Santander . It is a…

The minor’s interest in the law reform to protect children and adolescents
- June 13th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
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It has issued by the Organic Law 8/2015, which modifies the System Protection of Children and Adolescents, which amends the Organic Law 1/1996 of Legal Protection of Minors, in the same order develops the concept of interests of the retail, through…