- January 15th, 2021
- Sara Benjelali
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La Exposición de Motivos de la Ley 42/2013 de 21 de noviembre, modifica el artículo 160 del Código Civil y establece: «Los abuelos desempeñan un papel fundamental de cohesión y transmisión de valores en la familia, que es el agente…

¿Qué pasa si pago con retraso la pensión de alimentos?
- October 23rd, 2020
- Sara Benjelali
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En algunos momentos el progenitor obligado al pago de una pensión de alimentos no puede hacer frente a su pago o sólo puede pagar parcialmente la misma por diversos motivos: reducción de ingresos, nuevas responsabilidades etc. 1.- ¿Que consecuencias tengo…
¿Cómo será la vuelta al cole?
- September 7th, 2020
- Sara Benjelali
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C Con el coronavirus se nos presenta un septiembre incierto para la vuelta al colegio y muchas familias siguen planteándose la posibilidad de que sus hijos no acudan al colegio. Se discute sobre los derechos de la infancia y…

Coronavirus, custodias y régimen de visitas
- April 30th, 2020
- Sara Benjelali
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El estado de alarma ha provocado que vivamos en tiempos convulsos, surgiendo muchas dudas e incertidumbres en relación a los menores y las relaciones de éstos con los progenitores cuando éstos están divorciados o abuelos. No hay una respuesta única,…

Is it reasonable to ask for the alimony paid to the child that you later discover is not your child?
- March 16th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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Today I want to pose a problem with everyone we could ever meet in life: Marriage married for 12 years with two children aged 8 and 10, who divorce. After a few years, after a paternity test the father discovers…

Can one-parent custody established prior to 2013 be revised based on the new jurisprudence on shared custody?
- February 24th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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The Supreme Court decides whether to establish custody and joint custody of the daughter of the parties, which the mother holds since 2011, requested by the father in modification of divorce measures. The apparent lack of change in circumstances valued…

Shared custody in case of sexual abuse of the minor or domestic violence?
- February 20th, 2017
- Sara Benjelali
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Article 92.7 of the Civil Code stipulates that joint custody is not applicable when either parent is involved in criminal proceedings initiated for the purpose of violating the life, physical integrity, moral liberty or liberty and sexual indemnity of the…

Modification of the protection system for children and adolescents
- November 25th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
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On August 12, 2015, Organic Law 8/2015 of July 22 entered into force, modifying the system of protection for children and adolescents and establishing new, more agile and summary judicial procedures, namely: 1.- Entry of a minor into a specific…

Who assumes the costs of traveling in a visitation regime?
- November 23rd, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
- 2 Comentarios
There is a great problem among the parents, which mainly affects the non-custodial parent, regarding the costs generated by compliance with the visitation regime. In this regard, the Supreme Court has ruled on a number of occasions in its Judgment…

Sheltered women under the administration who are mothers
- October 11th, 2016
- Sara Benjelali
- 2 Comentarios
There have recently emerged various related tutored children, who do not know well how to get pregnant while under the system of child protection, as is the case of Maria Jose Abeng, whom a court has given reason news forcing…